UM Archives & Special Collections: UM Admin Bldg, ca. 1910
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Gaby Divay's Papers in German
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How to cite these e-Articles

100th Anniversary e-Edition of the Seven Poems FPG (Greve/Grove) & Freytag-Loringhoven
published in 1904/5 under their joint
pseudonym 'Fanny Essler'
(German & Eng. e-Ed. c2005)

"Else & Greve in Pittsburgh verhaftet, September 1910:
Else von Freytag-Loringhoven & Felix Paul Greve in der New York Times" (e-Ed. 2005;

Else von Freytag-Loringhoven on Three Men: Hardt, Endell, Greve:
"Abrechnung & Aufarbeitung im Gedicht"
e-Ed. 2005; orig. publ. in Trans-Lit, 1996;
includes first publication of three German poems
about E. Hardt, A. Endell, FPG
from the Freytag-Loringhoven Collection at the University of Maryland, College Park

"Puckellonders sonderbare Geschichte"
Satirical poem about Else'sshort-lived marriage withAugust Endell in 1901/2, written ca. 1923.
e-Editionby Gaby Divay; English translation with Jan Horner.
Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Archives & Special Collections, ©Dec.200.

"Es hat mal einen Ernst gegeben...":
Satirical poem about Else's affair with Ernst Hardtin 1890s, ca. 1923.
e-Edition by Gaby Divay; English translation with Jan Horner.
Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Archives & Special Collections, ©July 2001.

Greve's Translations for Insel Publishers, 1902-1909:
"Aspekte der Verlagspolitik des Insel-Verlages, 1900-1910"
(e-Ed. 2005 ; orig. presented at the 1990 GSA Conference in Buffalo)

Freundin berühmter Männer:
die Frau im frühen Doppelleben F. P. Greves"
(orig. pub. in Kanada Kurier, 105 Jg., Nr. 8, 24.2.1994, 10-11)

"FPG/Groves deutsche Wurzeln:
Dokumente in den Sammlungen des Archivs an der University of Manitoba."
German-Canadian Historical Association, Charlottetown, May 1992.
Published in Proceedings, 1993, as:
"Grove's German Heritage: the Evidence in the Universityof Manitoba Archives"
(e-Ed. 2006)

Invited Guest Lecture
"Ein skandalöses Paar: F. P. Greve/Grove und Else von Freytag-Loringhoven"
German-Canadian Studies Program, University of Winnipeg, January 31, 1992
(Organized by Endowed Chair, Dr. Angelika Sauer)

Invited Guest Lecture
"Auf den Spuren von FPG (Frederick Philip Grove/Felix Paul Greve) in Nordamerika und Europa"
Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, November 8, 1996 [held in Eng.; faulty video recording exists]

Invited Guest Lecture
"Neues zu F. P. Greve/Grove und Else von Freytag-Loringhoven"
German-Canadian Cultural Association of Manitoba,
Wildwood Park Community Centre, Winnipeg, October 3, 1997

Display Panel on FPG (Greve/Grove) & Freytag-Loringhoven in the Exhibition
"125 Years of Cultural Contributions by German-Speaking Manitobans"
21 boards displayed in "The Pool of the Black Star," Manitoba Legislative Building, September 1995 (Organized by Professor D. Roger, UM Architecture;
Opening remarks:
The Honourable Ed Schreyer, August 31st, 1995, who dwelled on the FPG panel in particular)

Gaby Divay's WebArchives
FPG & FrL Collections
Archives & Special Collections
Nine Papers Prepared as Requirements for a Post-Graduate Degree
University of Manitoba German Department, 1986-1990
(FPG [2x] -- Musil [2x] -- Brecht -- Goethe -- Hofmannsthal -- Rilke -- [Sprach]-Skepsis [in Eng.])

The following Nine Research Papers or independent studies amount together to ca. 340 p. They were written during 1986-1990, as post-graduate research/studies requirements for the Master of Arts Program in German Literature at the University of Manitoba (36 credits).
Papers related to FPG (Greve/Grove) & FrL (Else von Freytag-Loringhoven) have already been adapted for various presentations and/or publications, & will therefore not be e-published here.


Frederick Philip Groves europäische Wurzeln (37 p.)


Erkenntnistheoretische Aspekte in Hofmannsthals Chandos Brief (11 p.)


Die Gedichte Frederick Philip Groves und Felix Paul Greves (56 p.)


Goethes Verhältnis zur Natur (49 p.; see 1989 GSA paper, Eng., 9 p.)


Greek Skepticism (Eng.; preview 47 p.)


Sozialpolitische Implikationen wissenschaftlicher Forschung in Brechts Das Leben des Galilei (20 p.) (see 1984 LCMNDpaper, Eng., 10 p.)


Die Sprachthematik in Robert Musils Mann ohne Eigenschaften (46 p.)


Rainer Maria Rilkes Gedicht Römische Fontäne (peview 10 p.)


Zur Dialektik in Robert Musils Novelle Die Portugiesin (15 p.)

Related German Papers or Presentations:

"Goethes Naturauffassung" / GSA Conference in St. Louis, MO, October 1989 (9 p.)

How to cite these e-Articles (Example):
Divay, Gaby. "Abrechnung & Aufarbeitung im Gedicht:
Else Baroness von Freytag-Loringhoven über drei Männer (E. Hardt, A. Endell, F. P. Greve/Grove)."
e-Edition ©2005
Accessed ddmmyyyy [ex: 18jul2005]. [browser preview: 17 p.]


All Content Copyright ©November 2005 gd